The Chinese Medicine Model

Chinese Medicine comprises of both acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. In contrast to medical science, Chinese Medicine is primarily a form of energetic medicine. In practice, it is holistic since it considers the whole person.

According to Chinese medical theory, diagnosis is based on the identification of general energetic imbalances (such as imbalances in yin/yang or qi). These imbalances can be reflected in the various organs of the body either alone or in combination with other organs. Each of these imbalances has a set of defining signs and symptoms which are called “patterns of disharmony”. To diagnose infertility according to the Chinese Medicine model, the practitioner matches the signs and symptoms presented in each patient to these patterns of disharmony. Symptoms such as mood, sleep patterns and your urine and stools can be as informative as symptoms which are, in theory, more synonymous with the reproductive system.

Once the pattern of disharmony is identified, then the appropriate protocol is devised to rectify the disharmony. In theory, once the energetic level is in balance, in turn the symptoms experienced at the physical level will also improve.

Interestingly, Chinese medicine barely acknowledges the reproductive system and only has a vague concept of the uterus. Strangely, imbalances of the liver and the kidney are key indicators in explaining infertility. It must be noted, the concept of organs in Chinese medical theory is different to that of medical science. In effect the names of organs have been given simply as descriptor terms to account for the various functions within the body. This can lead to a somewhat bizarre infertility diagnosis such as liver qi stagnation or kidney yin deficiency. These would no doubt leave your gynaecologist or IVF specialist scratching their head in disbelief.

If you would like to have the Chinese Medicine model explained in more detail, consider making an appointment for a consultation with Dr Wilson. You can call 1300 864 325.

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Make an appointment for a consultation with Dr Wilson, call 1300 864 325 or email

The Clinic is conveniently located in Sydney CBD in The Dymocks Building at: Level 10, Suite 6/428 George St, Sydney NSW 2000

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