Cervical Mucus & Its Role In Fertility

When treating infertility, monitoring a patient’s cervical mucus can be very informative. Cervical mucus is a key ingredient to aid conception. It is needed to assist the sperm to journey deeper into the female reproductive organs to be ready in position for when the egg is released at ovulation.

Cervical mucus goes through changes in viscosity. The different types of cervical mucus are produced by different parts of the cervix. Each type of mucus has its own unique characteristics which help the sperm in a specific manner. Oestrogen peak starts six days before ovulation, and this is the start of the mucus production. Leading up to ovulation, the mucus will change in viscosity and the production will also increase in volume. Both of these factors are why cervical mucus can be used as an indicator of an impending ovulation.

Once the bleeding from the period has stopped, cervical mucus should be monitored daily.To check your mucus, insert your finger at the entrance to your vagina and collect any mucus which is present. If you do not find any, carefully insert your finger deeper to the entrance of your cervix. Rate your mucus in terms of watery, sticky or lubricating. Watery is as it sounds, when the mucus is like water. Slippery is when the mucus stretches between your fingers and it has a consistency similar to egg white. Lubricating is less thick and stretchy, and it feels lubricating and more slippery. Also rate the volume of your cervical mucus as either light, medium or heavy. Try your best with this rating, but do not worry if you are unsure. It will become easier to rate as your mucus changes during your cycle or as it changes in response to treatment.

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